They’re BACK!!!
March 13, 2024Reminder ***Hilton Head Plantation customers. ***
April 5, 2024Are you aware that you do not have to be present for the bike deliveries OR the bike pickups? Our drivers will inform you that the bikes have been delivered AND your 4 digit lock combination. The normal ebb and flow for almost all of the Hilton Head Island resort or home rentals call for a Saturday 4:00 PM check-in and the following Saturday is a 10:00 AM check-out. Sundays are similar in most cases. IF you want to ride the bike EARLY on Sunday PLEASE make your rental bike from Saturday to Saturday. IF you are leaving on Saturday at 10:00 please do not make your bike pickup date for Friday. We get VERY busy from now until November and we definitely can not get your bikes to you early in the day in almost every case. If you try to get a Friday delivery to a Saturday pickup YOU WILL have to pay an extra day. Just make sure that you are not cutting your days with the rental bikes short. IF you would like a later pickup please put it in your notes and we will see if we can accommodate your request, HOWEVER be forewarned our answer will depend on inventory and manning capabilities. You can always call us at 843 681-7531 for clarification.
Thanks from The Bike Doctor.